Freshman: Mackenzie Taylor
After being at St. Dominic for nearly a semester, Mackenzie Taylor feels as if she has settled into her new home for the next four years. Taylor is involved in Pro-Life Club and Glamour Gals. She recently had an appearance change when she donated 12 inches of her hair to Children With Hair Loss.
“I feel happy with my decision to cut my hair because it went to someone who needed it more than I did, although I really liked my long hair,” said Taylor.
When asked about advice she would give incoming freshmen, she said to be yourself and do not let others bring you down!
Something on Bucket List: Travel to Fiji
Dream Job: Special education teacher
Favorite Thanksgiving Food: Pumpkin pie with a lot of whipped cream
Favorite Thanksgiving Memory: She once added the wrong spice to the green beans, and her mom threw a pumpkin pie in her face.

Grace is a member of Pro-Life Club, CRU, Outreach Club and is also a senior advisor. She spends 15 hours a week working at Tom and Chee. Grace enjoys...