More Than Just a Trim

On Tuesday, October 27, girls all around St. Dominic will be prepping to donate their locks to an organization called Children with Hair Loss. Last year, the hair donation event was a great success and this year it is excepted to be just as great.

A girl’s hair is not just a fashion statement, but a part of her identity that can make her feel confident. For this reason, donating several inches of one’s hair can be a difficult decision. However, losing all of one’s hair without a choice is even more emotional. Girls at St. Dominic have the opportunity to help give a child back their self confidence. By donating at least eight inches of hair, Children with Hair Loss can make a beautiful wig for a child experiencing hair loss from cancer or other diseases/conditions. The best part about the organization is that they do not charge families for the cost of making a wig. It is absolutely free.

Madigan Schulte with her hair at last years donation.

There are many willing female volunteers signed up to donate their hair. This is going to make a great impact on the lives of many sick children. Senior Madigan Schulte is going to be donating eight inches of her hair. This will be her second time giving to Children with Hair Loss, as she donated last October as well. Schulte has seen firsthand the power of donating hair and how it can benefit a cancer patient.

“I went to ICD and one of my friends, Anne Grotjan, had cancer. I know that she got a wig and I know that they actually do help people because it helped her a lot,” said Schulte.

Schulte was also inspired to make the cut because of Mrs. Sally Garrett’s story. This hair donation event is especially meaningful to Mrs. Garrett because she lost her hair in her fight against breast cancer four years ago. She knows and understands the emotion that comes with losing all of one’s hair. Today, Mrs. Garrett is cancer-free and is thrilled at the enthusiasm the St. Dominic community has towards donating.

“It makes me so proud. I could not be happier to be a part of it,” said Mrs. Garrett.

However, since it is not possible for everyone to donate, there are other ways to show one’s support for people with cancer. Class Cabinet members had the opportunity to make bows for the hair donors.  They can also help to set up the gym the day of the event. CRU will be selling long sleeve T-shirts for $10 during lunches on Thursday, the 22nd, and Friday, the 23rd. Profits will be donated to the Mary Kay Foundation–another organization that aids women with cancer.

If you are interested in donating your hair and have not already picked up a form, you can find them in STUCO headquarters in room 411. For all who plan to donate, we would like say a big thank you. You are giving an incredible gift and performing an amazing act of kindness that will truly make a difference in the life of child who is struggling with a serious disease.