The importance of the life of Martin Luther King Jr. day
With Martin Luther King Jr. day fastly approaching, right now is a great moment to take the time to really think about how important this day is. January 20th is a significant day in America’s history, and it has changed the lives of many people.
King was a spokesperson for nonviolence activism in the Civil Rights Movement. King’s goal was to spread the word of equality and human rights of African Americans. King thrived to have many protests on this topic, but he wanted to make sure that they were nonviolent forms of protest.
“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek but means by which we arrive at that goal,” Martin Luther King Jr. said.
Many people take this day as a day off from school, but this day symbolizes the importance of King’s mission to bring peace between everyone. King believed that all people should be treated equally, and that everyone should be able to share the gift of life peacefully. This day is the remembrance of a man who was so brave to stand up in front of many crowds and share his views on the issue.
“MLK day is important because it was the start of equality for all people, and it shows how far we have come since the Civil Rights Movement,” junior Pearl Mishra said.
King created his large reputation, from his famous “I have a dream” speech he spoke on August 28, 1963. These famous words shared his deep passion on the topic, and it helped shape people’s opinions on equality. King’s speech not only helped shape the country that we have today, but brought many African Americans peace in today’s world.
“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal,” King said.
King spent most of his life spreading the word of his dream for as long as he could. Unfortunately, King was assassinated in 1968 at the young age of 39. On Monday, we will remember his life’s work and celebrate how far our country has come because of him.