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St. Dominic hosts it's annual Grandparents Day Mass this year
This past Sunday, St. Dominic hosted its annual Grandparent’s Day including a traditional mass to celebrate our grandparents and a chance for Crusader grandparents to tour the school of their grandchildren.
Grandparents are always there for us when we need them. They have the kindest hearts and the sweetest souls, especially when it comes to loving their grandchildren. So, having the opportunity to spend a whole afternoon with them is a very special treat.
“Getting to spend time with my grandparents was great and I could tell that they enjoyed it,” senior Jackson Jones said.
Being a busy teenager can be tough. Trying to focus on things such as school, work, or sports, it can become difficult to get time to spend one on one with family. We often decide to focus on other things that may not hold as much importance as taking time to spend with our loved ones. Because of this, every opportunity to see our grandparents should be taken and held close to our hearts.
“I’m usually pretty busy, but getting the opportunity to set time aside and spend it with family I don’t see often was very special to me,” senior Brooke Prinster said.
Throughout the time at mass, prayers were lifted up to God giving thanks for our grandparents and all generations before us. When we pray, we may put people like our grandparents on the back burner since we don’t see them very often. Making a whole mass dedicated to grandparents was beyond special for them. It was easy to rejoice with the fact that we are finally giving our elders the most appreciation that they deserve.
“I never see my grandparents so when I get the chance, I love to take advantage of the time we have together,” senior Bella Kremer said.
After the mass, students got to enjoy a meal with their family. Restaurants ranging from McDonald’s, Panera, Old Town Donuts, and Chris’ Cakes were all in attendance to make the grandparents’ day even more exciting. Students and grandparents got to make many new memories with one another, strengthening their relationships even more.
“My grandparents loved the breakfast part, we had so much fun,” senior Liam McMullen said.
The joy and laughter shared over the meal was palpable, with grandparents reminiscing about their own school days and sharing stories that brought smiles and laughter to everyone around the table.
“It was so interesting to hear stories of my grandparents’ time in highschool,” senior Austin Johnson said.
The Grandparents Day Mass served as a beautiful reminder of the importance of cherishing our grandparents and making time for them amidst our busy lives. The event not only strengthened family bonds but also created lasting memories that will be held dear by both students and their grandparents.