With Spring Break just around the corner, Dominic’s staff has already begun planning their fun break activities. While the springtime can be busy, especially for staff and students alike, the teachers have brought it this year with their fantastic Spring Break festivities.
Many teachers have chosen to vacation over Spring Break, and adventure with friends and family. This is one of the best ways to take advantage of the long break we’ve been given this year.
“We are visiting friends at Benedictine College, then taking our daughter to visit her grandparents in Omaha,” Spanish Teacher Mrs. Phillips said.
Although many teachers are out adventuring, others are staying put in the comfort of their own homes. Spring Break is a great time to take advantage of relaxation time and catching up with your family. Additionally, while it isn’t dependable, Missouri weather tends to be nice during the springtime.
“I am hoping the weather is nice so I can spend some time outside, but my dream break would be my Spring Break from last year, a cruise to the Bahamas. I would love to go back to the warmth and sunshine,” Math Teacher Mrs. Riechers said.
Speaking of weather, after last Thursday’s hail storm, many teachers are taking their free-time to make repairs to their homes and cars. The storm came at a shocking time, however it could have been worse as Spring Break is just around the corner. This might not be the most fun way to spend your break, but it is very productive!
“My plans this year are pretty boring. I don’t have a trip planned or anything, and I’ll probably spend my time helping my husband fix our fence that got damaged in the storm,” Learning Consultant Mrs. Haehnel said.
Spring Break is also a very sacred time as Catholics celebrate Holy Week, followed by Easter Sunday. While break can be hectic, it is always important to set time aside for the Lord and remember the reason for the season.
“I am so excited about Easter. I love the church services for Holy Thursday and Good Friday. They are some of my favorites of the whole year!” Computer Science Teacher Mrs. Hagan said.
This year’s Spring Break is a great way to take advantage of the free-time, and make the most of it. Whether that be cleaning, vacationing, or simply resetting, hold onto the week and don’t let it fly by!