In the Heart of the School
This year, St. Dominic welcomed two new campus ministers into the community: Mr. Andrew Struttmann and Mrs. Shelley Lang. Although they each have their individual roles, together the duo brings strong leadership and fresh ideas to the faith aspect of SDHS.
Last year, campus ministry was run by the student-beloved Mr. Michaelree and Ms. Pescarino, who are noticeably missed. That being said, Mr. Struttmann and Mrs. Lang each bring experience and incredible gifts that will allow them to excel at their positions this year.
“I just want to be myself and provide the community with my gifts and character. Either way, I think I’ll be accepted and loved because that’s just the way it is here,” said Mr. Struttmann.
Mr. Struttmann, an alum of De Smet Jesuit High School, is the faith-filled freshman soccer coach in charge of the junior Kairos retreats, the sophomore retreat, weekly and all school masses, monthly adoration and helping with the peer ministers. With a degree in theology from St. Louis University, Mr. Struttmann knew he wanted to dedicate his life to service. Last year, he coached and led campus ministry for a program in Kansas City. With the experience he needed and a desire to stay closer to home, Mr. Struttmann applied to the opening at SDHS. Thus far, he feels welcomed into the family of St. Dominic.
His co-worker, Mrs. Lang, is a mother and outgoing woman of strong faith. This year, she will oversee the senior retreats, the freshman retreat, service hours, peer ministers, Reconciliation and other prayer services. After receiving a certificate in youth ministry from the University of Missouri–St. Louis, Mrs. Lang continued to participate in youth ministry activities until she heard of the open position at St. Dominic and put in an application. This year will be a time of learning for her and Mr. Struttmann, but also a time of growth for campus ministry.
“We want to keep building upon what was already built here and just make it the best we can,” said Mrs. Lang.
As for specific plans, creating a school environment in which students feel deeply loved is top priority. Another goal is to open campus ministry to include not only students, but also faculty and family. In youth ministry, Mrs. Lang and Mr. Struttmann aim to help the peer ministers utilize their gifts for the betterment of the community. As for service hours, the process will remain the same for the present moment. Campus ministry will also keep its same friendly atmosphere and the Hub door is always open.
“The Hub is in the middle of the school; it is the heart of the school. We’re all here because of our Catholic identity and this is a place for us all to gather in Christ,” said Mr. Struttmann.
Please come around to the heart of the school and welcome our new campus ministers!

Jennifer, a senior at St. Dominic High School, is the student body president, the VP of Ambassadors Club, involved in the Pro-Life Leadership Team,...