“I Know”

A poem for Freshmen

Freshmen Orientation

I know high school is hard

And everything seems so new,

But don’t be afraid to reach out

Because we were all once like you.


I know classes are boring

And gym class makes you want to cry,

But these aren’t the things you’ll remember

After all the years go by.


I know little things seem important

Like what you say or what you wear,

But try to be yourself

Because honestly no one cares.


I know that drama is annoying

And you don’t want to say something wrong,

But true friends never leave you

And will help to make you strong.


I know that failure is heartbreaking

And sometimes you won’t make the team,

But know that it will always get better

No matter how bad things may seem.


I know high school is hard

But enjoy it while it lasts,

Before you know it, it’ll be over

And you’ll wonder how it went by so fast.