Two female students preparing food for customers at their jobs.
Balancing work and school can be hard with the amount of time they take up, and it can be a challenge to balance. But, if you make sure you limit yourself and give yourself free time and time to focus on school, it can be easy. Here are 5 ways to balance work and school while not burning yourself out.
Start out slow
When you first get a job make sure you ease into it. Work your way up to getting used to the amount of hours you want to work. This helps with getting to know exactly how much time you have for school work and makes sure you don’t overwork yourself. If you ever think the amount of time you work might be too much, lower your hours to the amount you’re comfortable with.
Know your limits
One person can only handle so much. Setting boundaries is important and limiting the amount of time you work each week is very important. Whether it’s 1 day a week or 5, be attentive to how much work you can handle while still doing school.
Plan around school activities/sports
Sports, clubs, and other school activities can take up lots of time for some students. Make sure to keep this in mind when choosing your availability for your job, including extra time to spare for other school work you may need to do.
Be aware of how much homework you have each week
Some students may need more time for homework than others depending on what classes they take. Think about what classes you are taking and how much homework or projects you’ll have in this class. Then decide how much time you want to dedicate towards work based on that. Make sure you have enough time for homework and try to always put school first.
Don’t stress yourself out
Juggling school, work, friends, and family can be a lot. It’s important to take time for yourself and to not fill your schedule too much. Overworking yourself and getting burnt out is a difficult thing to have to deal with so be mindful of giving yourself some free time to relax.
Balancing work and school can be tricky because one person only has so much time. These 5 tips can be helpful to successfully juggling work and school. Good luck!