How to Power Through to Finals


Ways to stay motivated throughout the last months of school

With the end of the semester being this close, everyone is just going through the motions trying to finish the year. Sometimes, all you need is a little push and motivation to finish the year strong. Here are some tips on getting through the final months of the 2022-23 school year.

Setting little goals for yourself

All students know the feeling after spring break. School is stressful and teachers are trying to cram work on top of you. Setting some goals for yourself will help take some of the stress off your shoulders. Everyone is ready for summer and the last few months feel like years, setting mini goals will help with motivation. Studying for 30 minutes a night or trying to go to bed by 10:00 are ways that will help make the end of the year feel like it flew by faster than ever before. Making sure you get enough sleep is really key to being productive and successful for the rest of the school year and beyond. Setting goals like these will help with time management and procrastination and help students get in the habit of being accountable for themselves. 

Think of what’s ahead

For seniors, this could be bittersweet but for others it is always on the mind; summer break. Seniors have the last day of highschool to look forward to but that means they are leaving a place they have been at for so long and starting a new chapter in their lives. For some, that’s the day they never thought would come. For other students, summer is the time to not think about school and have fun. Thinking about what’s ahead will make the days seem shorter and less stressful. It will also make you work harder to have more fun during the time you are off, and it can be used as a motivation technique.  

Focus of the important things 

Like setting goals, focusing on what’s important will help out in the long run. It will help with staying focused and motivated throughout the last months. Focusing on an important test coming up or focusing on not having missing work will help out with not getting caught up in stressful situations and feel swamped with school work. 

I hope this list helps students out in finding ways to stay calm and finish the year strong!