Black and white chess pieces used to capture enemy pieces.
Chess has exploded in popularity during these past few months, and it seems like just about everyone is playing it. From the chess tournament, or kids playing chess in class, students can’t get enough of this game.
One reason for this could be because of the ongoing chess tournament. They are nearing the final round, and Benjamin North is running the tournament. He doesn’t know why chess is suddenly popular, but he enjoys it nonetheless.
“Chess went big during the pandemic then died down again now all of a sudden people like it again. This time I don’t see any reason but I’m capitalizing on it for sure,” North said.
North enjoys chess because of the friends he makes while playing. He meets people throughout the chess tournament he runs, as well as through the matches he plays with others. This could be a big reason chess is exploding in popularity.
“I like Chess Club mainly for the people. I don’t sit down and play my matches in silence, I’m sitting around joking with observers and my opponents. My fondest memories of this club is when I played the worst matches of my life,” North said.
John Eckhard, a religion teacher at St. Dominic has also noticed the sudden interest during class. He enjoys chess himself and likes the challenge it brings to his students.
“There really has been an explosion of kids playing chess around school. I used to notice kids playing video games, but now it seems that chess is catching up. I have five chess boards in my room and will try to convince kids to play me every now and then,” Eckhard said.
Mr. Eckhard’s favorite part about chess is the excitement and passion some students have in the game. He likes that everyone has a fair chance in winning, and that he could beat anyone at any time.
“If I raced the fastest kid in the school I would never beat him. If I went against the best basketball player he would always win. But with Chess on any given day, a worse player has a chance to beat a better player,” Eckhard said.
Chess is mentally challenging game that more students are starting to love each day. Whether it’s in a tournament or during empower hour, people cannot get enough of the interesting game.