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Cody Peters and Maille Hanson after State with Mr. Cisel.
State choir gives students a chance to show off their singing talents as well as making connections and meeting new people. The process of state choir has been happening all year, and we congratulate our students for making it to the very end.
In September, students audition for the St. Louis Metro All-District Choir. All eleven students that entered from St. Dominic were selected and performed a concert at UMSL in November.
Within the district, the juniors and seniors that scored in the top 20 in each of the four voice parts (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass) auditioned for the Missouri all-state choir. From there, four students were selected for each voice part from the St. Louis Metro district, as well as from 10 other districts in the state. Mr Cissell, the Music Director, is so proud of the two students that were in that group.
“16 students from the St. Louis Metro District were chosen, and Cody Peters and Maille Hanson were in that group. We then had a six hour rehearsal and another three hour rehearsal in January with the all-state students from our district,” Cissell said.
The group left on Wednesday for the Missouri Music Educators Conference at Margaritaville at Lake of the Ozarks.
“Rehearsals with the all-state choir began that evening, and the students rehearsed most of the day on Thursday and Friday as well. They did get a little free time each day to relax. On Saturday, the group had one last rehearsal in the morning, then in the afternoon performed at the all-state concert. This concert included the all-state concert band, the all-state jazz band, the all-state orchestra, and the all-state choir,” Mr Cissell said.
Cody Peters, who participated in the state choir, enjoyed the concert and everyone’s voices coming together.
“The concert was an amazing experience. Because these people really know their voice, they really know how to sing and whenever you’ve been practicing for months it all comes together really nicely,” Peters said.
State choir is an exciting opportunity for students to be a part of and experience, and we are proud of our students for being in it.