Mya Roberson
Current points for each house, with Caritas in the lead.
St. Dominic has had many house competitions this past year, yet there is so much more to look forward to. Events like dodgeball, Penny Wars and two more assemblies are some things St. Dominic students should look forward to this second semester.
The houses are currently in a dodgeball competition. Because each house is only represented by a team and not the whole house, it is considered a marquee event. The winners of marquee events earn 20 points for their house. Mrs. Schuler is excited about this exciting event, and is also excited about our other upcoming competition, Penny Wars. Depending on what the HOH’s decide on, we could have up to three more competitions.
“Penny Wars are on the horizon! This is a Super Marquee event because everyone has the opportunity to participate, and the winners earn 25 points,” Schuler said.
St. Dominic will also host two more house assemblies with multiple small competitions that take place throughout. This is another fun and easy opportunity to earn points so your house can become closer to winning the House Cup, allowing students to have a Field Day.
“The Field Day for the House Cup winners is on Thursday, April 27th, and it takes place mainly at the stadium. It is just a fun day of games, activities, and fun competitions!” Schuler said.
All of the houses are excited to participate in these competitions and to work together as a team. Remember that even if we are in separate houses, we are all one home centered by unity and teamwork.