Becca Ryan
The Atrium has some of the most nap friendly couches.
Sleep is a necessity for students, especially those in high school. Sleeping as much as possible is ideal when attending high school. St. Dominic has many comfortable areas where students are able to rest during Empower Hour.
The learning common couches are a great place to start when looking to take a nap. There are different chairs and couches, which are very soft and comfortable. The learning commons is also well controlled and quiet during Empower Hour. This allows for a nice quiet nap whenever need be.
The couch in Mr. Duncan’s classroom is another great option. Mr. Duncan’s classroom offers a very long couch. This ensures you don’t have to awkwardly prop your feet up on anything to lay down comfortably. Mr. Duncan doesn’t mind naps in his room during power hour.
The floor in Mr. Cissle’s room is also a great choice. I don’t know what it is but the carpet on that floor makes you ache for a nap. The floor in the music room allows for sleep in any position. It is quite versatile.
With the upgrade of the new building, there are also some new couches in the atrium. Although it is noisy out in the atrium, during Empower hour, the couches are quite comfortable if you have headphones to block out all of the noise. Another plus is these are the only couches in the school that you are allowed to eat on. So if you’re hungry during your nap, you don’t have to move to eat your lunch. You can stay right there.
The performing arts center is another superb option for nap taking during power hour. Though chairs aren’t ideal to sleep in, the chairs in the PAC are very squishy and comfortable. It is usually quiet there during power hour, so it is ideal for the sleep setting.
St. Dominic is a very nap-friendly school if used properly. Don’t be sleeping during classes. These napping options are available for everyone to use during Empower Hour.