In Memory Of

As a way to enrich the St. Dominic community, Ms. Nasser’s honors advanced art class has undertaken the Tree of Remembrance project in the chapel. The leaves of the tree painting will display the names of students who passed away while attending St. Dominic High School.

The project began with class reunions and reconstruction. When alumni return for reunions, they reminisce by looking back at senior pictures. However, those who died while enrolled never graduated and so do not have a senior picture.

“The Tree of Remembrance will help us remember students that were here, and even though those students’ photos are not in the graduating senior photos, they won’t be forgotten. We want to remember the importance they had here,” said Ms. Nasser.

Kristina Brockgreitens painting the tree

Additionally, the chapel was redone two years ago. During the reconstruction, memorials for deceased students were removed and placed into storage. President Cathy Fetter requested the Tree of Remembrance so that the student names will forever be imprinted upon the chapel wall.

“It’s a place of permanence where those students will always be remembered,” said President Fetter.

The purpose of the tree is to pay respect to those who have died and commemorate them in a special way to St. Dominic High School. The community will never forget their names, even as time moves on.

“Everybody needs to be remembered, and now these kids get the same shot at being remembered as everybody else. For me it’s about honoring the community that is St. Dominic High School,” said President Fetter.

Because the end of school is nearing, the honors advanced art students have completed the painting of the tree itself, but other students will finish adding the names and a title stating “We Remember” by homecoming of next year. 51 leaves were painted, leaving room for possible future names. Gratitude is extended to Ms. Nasser and the students for using their exceptional talent to enhance the St. Dominic community.