Field hockey team scrimmaging getting ready for games!
As the weather is getting cooler and students head back to school, fall sports, such as field hockey, are also starting. Field hockey has had many challenges last year, and has more to face this year. But with the help of coaches and team leaders, they will be able to overcome these challenges and come out on top.
Varsity Coach Beckey Patterson struggled last year due to her having to manage 3 teams for the first time. But, even with her getting used to this adjustment, it will still be a challenge.
“I feel this season will be easier with having the three teams but we have a lot more players on each team so it will be a struggle trying to keep the girls moving and engaged during practice,” Patterson said.
Because field hockey teams only have one field to practice on, they have to separate their practice times. This helped the coaches a lot, because it gave them time to help each of the girls one-on-one.
“When all three teams are on one field, we are able to break the girls into three stations. Each coach has the opportunity to work with every girl and every girl is able to learn from each coach,” Patterson said.
New seasons of field hockey means new student leaders. Student leaders are voted in by team members, and this year’s team leaders are Helen McKnight and Abbie Patterson. Abbie Patterson is very passionate about being a student leader, and loves being able to help her teammates.
“I love helping my fellow classmates and teammates, seeing everyone come together as a whole is really exciting. I influence the team and try to keep the energy and positivity in the group. We try to make the team bond more, and enjoy the sport fully.”
Everyone has high hopes for the field hockey team this year, as they just moved up in their district. This means the teams we are facing will be more challenging, but coach Patterson is confident in her teams.
“When the girls have faith in themselves, they will rise to the challenge. It is going to be a tough year but I believe in my girls,” said Patterson.
Field hockey has had many ups and downs, but everyone is excited to see how this year will turn out. With the help of coaches and team leaders, field hockey will play to the best of their abilities.