The 5 Best Albums of 2015 So Far

We’re only a quarter of the way into 2015, and it has already been an amazing year for music. Here I’ve compiled a list of what I believe to be the top 10 best albums to come out so far, based not only on my opinion, but on the opinions of other students and music critics as well.

5.) Drake: If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late

When asked what she thought was one of the best albums of the year so far, Senior Lauren Jones said, “Personally I’d have to say Drake. He released it as a mixtape but it got so successful that he was able to start selling it. That’s a true sign of good album.” Can’t argue with that one. The production is solid, the hooks are on point and the ever-pleasing “Drake aesthetic” is at its very fullest.

4.) The Pop Group: Citizen Zombie

Everyone loves a comeback. Despite being active since the ’70s, The Pop Group has essentially remained dormant throughout the last few years, and so fans were surprised and even a bit skeptical when Citizen Zombie came out. Have no fear, however; this album is entirely reminiscent of their older material, all while maintaining a cutting-edge, groovy post-punk sound that undoubtedly keeps their spot among the greats solidified.

3.) Alabama Shakes: Sound & Color

Although not entirely abandoning the southern soul sound that brought them to fame, this rookie rock band showed with their sophomore record that they are far from one-trick ponies. The production quality has been bumped up, the songs have become more diverse and energetic and the lyrics/vocals of leading lady Brittany Howard have become sharper and attention-grabbing. Although I’m still partial to their first album that I fell in love with, it’s certainly easy to fall in love with this one as well.

2.) Sleater Kinney: No Cities To Love

Although not as seasoned veterans of post-punk as The Pop Group, this riot girl trio has also made a presentation of being an old band bringing something fresh to the table. The songs and structures remain simplistic, but they stick in your ear and nearly force you to bob your head and sing along. The wailing vocals and cutting guitars from frontwoman Carrie Brownstein (also known for her work on the show “Portlandia”) make this album a must-listen.

1.) Sufjan Stevens: Carrie & Lowell

“It was a fantastic album,” said Senior Garrett Pinkerton. “It was a very bold move, too. All of his past works have been serious productions. Carrie and Lowell was so stripped back, but it was so fitting for how fragile and personal the lyrics were. It was very well pieced together.” Not much more can be said about this album. This indie/folk veteran singer-songwriter definitely managed to put together a powerful yet personal piece of music with excellent story-telling and instrumentation.