Esports is Here to Stay

The esports team busy at work for their big competition
Esports is a unique addition to St. Dominic that differs from every other sport in high school. With so many people wanting to participate, both a JV and a Varsity team were created for students to compete. Although it is still in its early phases, it is clear Esports is a big hit and will be here to stay.
In just a few months, the Esports team has proven themselves to be a competitive and successful group. They have won many of their competitions and are ready to head into district play.
“Going into this first season, we didn’t know what to expect. Once we got the kids in the room, we saw lots of potential with a wide range of skills as the year went on practicing and redefining those skills our kids improved leaps and bounds,” Esports Coach Mr. Small said.
The team is happy with where they are for the moment, but as with any sport, they are always looking to improve by finding new ways to work together. The team will have its first Super Smash Bros state game on Tuesday, April 4 against Francis Howell Central. The St. Dominic Esports team has been anticipating this match as it is an opportunity to prove their skills and capability. Win or lose, it has already been a fantastic inaugural season.
“It’s not always about winning and losing, but the positive experience the kids get to experience. The best part about the program is taking kids that don’t usually interact and putting them together on a team and watching them bond,” Coach Small said.
Esports has found a home here at SDHS and with the success they have already had, more and more interest from a growing student body should make for even more fun next season.

Mikey is a junior here at St.Dominic. His 3 favorite sports to play are basketball, baseball, and football. Outside of school, he plays select baseball...