Spring Tennis Preview
Even without any senior leaders this year, the boys tennis team is swinging for a great season
St. Dominic is preparing for yet another exciting season of boys tennis. The Crusaders are always an exciting team to watch, so the anticipation to see what’s in store for the varsity tennis this year is high.
With St. Dominic’s tennis season starting in early March, there are many questions to be answered. One in particular, however, looms over the St. Dominic tennis: what does the senior situation look like? Seniors are seen as leaders for all high school sports, including tennis. The matter of team leaders is an issue varsity tennis coach Noah Duncan has to figure out for this season, but luckily, he’s optimistic.
“We lost a lot of seniors from last season. Consequently, we have no seniors this year, so we have a lot of opportunity for players to step into starting roles and lead our young team,” Coach Duncan said.
Thanks to Coach Duncan, fans can expect a lot of growth and excellence from St. Dominic tennis in this upcoming season. With last year’s seniors gone, it will be really exciting to watch these young men as they step in and fill these decisive roles.
One player aiming for a leadership position is returning varsity player Luca Ramirez. Ramirez is currently a sophomore and has been on the tennis team since he was a freshman. He hopes for a successful season and is willing to put in the work to get there.
“I think we will do well [this tennis season], but I can’t say for sure until tryouts are over,” Ramirez said.
Ramirez, along with many others, remains optimistic about this upcoming season. Although there is still much work to be done, the future is looking bright for the St. Dominic tennis team. Good luck to all the Crusader boys as they prepare to take this season head on.

Alex Newman is a sophomore at St. Dominic high school. He playes soccer and tennis at St. Dominic. He loves sports, food, and hanging out with friends.