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Penny Wars has become the talk of the halls as the fight for the win begins!
Penny Wars is back for the third time in the house system! All six houses will compete next week for big house points and to help out the American Heart Association.
For the past couple of years, the house system has taken on Penny Wars to help those who need the money most. Two years ago, St. Dominic raised $4,754.88 and last year we raised $3,213.87. Overall, St. Dominic has raised almost $8,000 in the past two years to help out the American Heart Association.
“Penny Wars was a tradition at St. Dominic a long time ago. They supported various organizations for a number of years. When we brought Penny Wars back for the first time in many years, it was during February. When we began researching an organization to support, we realized that February is American Heart Month, so it seemed fitting to donate our proceeds to the American Heart Foundation. Since then, we have continued the tradition,” House Coordinator Mrs. Nikki Schuler said.
There are a lot of different rules that apply to Penny Wars. Each house has one bucket. Pennies count towards points for the house. If there is silver change or dollars, that amount is deducted from your total. Each house has been coming up with strategies to help them win. House Virtus has won the past two years, so it is most likely that other houses will be gunning for them.
“House Virtus is really excited to start Penny Wars because of our two-year winning streak in this competition. We hope to come out strong and use our strategy that we came up with as a house to dominate Penny Wars and up our points even more. Virtus is making a comeback in this and the Penny Wars competition is going to boost our confidence even more!” Virtus Head of House, Allison Herbert said.
Penny Wars starts next week, so make sure to look around your house for coins and bring in your loose change. This competition is for big points, so be sure to help out your house and give them a chance to bump themselves up on the leaderboard!