Service for the Summer

Attending a Catholic school, we all know that performing acts of service and helping others really strengthens our relationship with God. This summer, St. Dominic has many opportunities for students to volunteer and earn service hours.

From June to July, St. Dominic is hosting numerous sports camps for children in grade school to attend and play their favorite sport with their peers. Students from St. Dominic are asked to volunteer to help the coaches put on the event.

There are many other service opportunities for students with different interests. For example, there is also an opportunity for service to help with a used uniform sale. Students can come in the morning of June 10, at 9 a.m., to help Mrs. Joyce set up and prepare for the sale.

Outside of St. Dominic in the local community, there are some great opportunities for service, like Habitat For Humanity. This program is for 16-year-olds and up to help build houses for the needy in the local community. This program really makes a great impact on the unfortunate in the area. Another service opportunity is Whole Kids Outreach. This is a week-long summer camp for poor kids in Ellington, MO. Students can go to volunteer to help and be with the kids of the area. It is a five-day trip from June 15-19. It is a very fun camp to experience volunteering over the summer.

With all of these very cool charities, there are lots of great service opportunities for this summer.