Crusaders Assemble!

Marvel Club is a great place for fans to gather and talk about upcoming events in the MCU
In today’s entertainment industry, there is no doubt the Marvel Cinematic Universe is dominating the box office. For the past 13 years, Marvel movies and television shows have been everywhere—including the halls of St. Dominic. Because Marvel is so beloved in pop culture, it is only fitting for St. Dominic to create its very own Marvel Club.
“We started Marvel Club because the two of us were always getting together to talk about the shared interest of Marvel and we decided that other people love Marvel, too. So then we said, why not let other people get together and talk about it with us?” Mr. Winkelmann said.
Marvel Club is a group of students and staff members meets on Fridays during the second half of empower hour in room 221. The club is headed by junior Paul Koch and sophomore Zoe Dake and monitored by Mr. Duncan and Mr. Winklemann. Other staff members also enjoy sitting in on the meetings, including Marvel enthusiast, Mr. Small.
“I think the club is thriving, considering that there are usually more than 20 kids attending meetings. I have a lot of fun getting to discuss Marvel with fellow movie lovers,” Mr. Small said.
Mr. Small is not the only one who enjoys talking about Marvel movies, though. Club leader Zoe Dake loves attending club meetings and feels it is the best part of her week.
“Marvel Club is something I always look forward to. Getting to talk to people who love Marvel as much as I do is always so great. I love hearing the interesting theories everyone comes up with about future and present projects Marvel is putting out,” Dake said.
The new hit productions, Shang-Chi, Loki and Eternals, are among some of the recent topics Marvel Club has covered in their meeting. Movie discussions are not the only activity the club participates in, though. In fact, Zoe even created a fun game where the club members chose either Captain America and Iron Man based on the film Captain America Civil War. They then held a debate to decide who was superior between the two.
Teachers and students alike always have fun stuff planned at their meetings, making Marvel Club an exciting club to attend every single week. If you are a Marvel fan (or interested in becoming one), I suggest you take the time to check out Marvel Club this Friday during the second half of Empower Hour!

Mikey is a junior here at St.Dominic. His 3 favorite sports to play are basketball, baseball, and football. Outside of school, he plays select baseball...