Class of 2022: The Final Countdown

Some seniors gather together for a photo to remember their last year together
Being a senior in high school definitely brings a weird feeling to the normal events that happen in a year. Things go by far too fast and without knowing it, half a year has already gone by. Although most seniors are ready for the future, experiencing the fleeting moments of senior year with your friends is bittersweet.
On August 13 the class of 2022 had their last first day of high school. Enduring the long day of orientation was the last time class of 2022 felt the nerves and excitement that the first day of school brings. With orientation ending at 9:30, some friend groups went out to breakfast to reminisce on the past three years and talk about the exciting year ahead.
Within the first week of school, all of the seniors were invited to a dinner at Old Hickory Golf Course to celebrate the beginning of the end of high school and to talk about what seniors need to get done in preparation for their futures. It was a nice experience to share an elegant dinner with fellow classmates and their loved ones.
Following the senior dinner, homecoming was next on the list of lasts. Homecomings are special in the sense that it is one big party the whole school can participate in. Dance mobs were formed and people were lifted to crowd surf. As underclassmen, it was always so fun to watch the seniors be crowned homecoming king and queen. Following the dancing, our own classmates were the ones standing front and center on the stage.
“Winning homecoming queen was a very exciting and shocking moment that I will never forget. It felt awesome knowing that people voted for Grant and I,” senior homecoming queen, Mia Pointer said.
Another major last memory that will stick with the entire class of 2022 are the exhilarating Friday night lights. Every week, our classmates lined the bleachers and smushed together to cheer on the football team. The themes were crazy and the participation skyrocketed. Our football team didn’t let us down either winning districts for the first time ever! Ending a sports season is extremely hard to do especially when it’s your senior year, but the football team was dedicated to making it the longest season they could.
“I am obviously sad that our season is over but I could not be happier with how we played throughout the year. This team overcame adversity and played our best football in November. Not to mention we also made history,” senior tight end Ryan Schwendeman said.
There are many more exciting events planned for the seniors in their second semester including graduation. It has been a fast and crazy first semester, but the seniors are living large and making the most of the little time they have left at St. Dominic.

Allison Herbert is a senior at St. Dominic high school. She is a part of the varsity swim team, XC team, and a member of NHS. Outside of school, Alli loves...