Challenge of the Week: Go to AD Club

AD club welcomes you with open arms and a thumbs up!
Here at St. Dominic, everything that we do is based on Christ. That being said, faith based clubs are easy to come by on campus. AD club is one of the many religious clubs at Dominic.
AD stands for the Latin word Anno Dimino, meaning “the year of our Lord.” AD club focuses on the making every year, the year of our Lord through bible study. The club meets every Wednesday to go over the readings for the upcoming Sunday mass
Every meeting, the club reads the two readings for the week as well as the Gospel. Then, leaders Malachi Gnade, Ben Eusterbrock and Taytum Scarborough give their interpretation of the readings to help members better understand what God is saying through the readings.
“AD helps me understand God’s word on a deeper level; It just helps visualize the Gospel and the reading to better apply them to my everyday life,” senior Zach Carff said.
The club is supervised by religion teacher Mr. Matt Winklemann who also gives great commentary on the word of God through more of a theological view. The group also participates in various prayer opportunities throughout the year, including Novenas, Rosaries, Divine Mercy Chaplets and attending mass together.
“AD club has impacted me because it’s given me a community of faith filled people in my school. Although the school is a Catholic school, having a group of people actively trying to grow their faith just makes my heart warm,” senior Adri Weber said.
AD club is a wonderful community here at St. Dominic that comes together to focus on God’s word. If you are interested in joining AD club, just go to one of their weekly Wednesday meetings during the second half of empower hour!

McKinley Curran is a senior at St. Dominic. She is a part of the varsity girls volleyball program and is also a peer minister. Outside of school she loves...