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Students are preparing to decorate the halls for the Christmas Decorating contest
After House Gaudium earned major points by winning the freshman only competition, everyone is excited to try to claim the top spot in the upcoming Christmas hallway decorating competition. This is by far the most festive competition of the year and HOH’s have already started stirring up ideas.
Each house has chosen one Christmas movie that their hallway decorating would be based off of. Caritas chose The Polar Express, Dignitas chose The Nightmare Before Christmas, Gaudium chose Elf, Gratia chose A Charlie Brown Christmas, Temperentia chose Home Alone and Virtus chose A Year Without Santa Claus. Each house will be starting to decorate their hallways after Thanksgiving break.
The houses will be graded based on creativity and how well they use the items they are given. The custodians will be the ones judging how the hallways look. HOH’s and Family Captains are not allowed to buy decorations and are only supposed to use the resources they have. All of the HOH’s are preparing on how they will decorate and are getting very excited for this competition.
“One of my favorite competitions of the year is hallway decorating. It not only gets everyone involved but we get to see how creative some of our house members are! I’m super excited to see how it all turns out,” HOH of Gaudium, Jessica Larson said.
Not only are the houses getting excited for the competition itself, but many are hopeful that the points from this competition will help propel them forward on the leaderboard. This competition will be worth 25 points and could change the game a lot. As this is the last competition of the semester, this will be the final opportunity for houses to secure a top spot in the race for the house cup.
“Virtus is in last place as of now, and I know that the entire house is planning to work together to make this competition a spectacular success to close the gap a bit. We have gotten pretty unlucky in the past competitions, but we haven’t given up yet,” said Alli Herbert, HOH of Virtus.
Everyone is excited to get this competition underway. The hallways are going to start looking very festive very soon. It will be exciting to see who will take home the win in this competition and how the leaderboard will change going into the new year.