St. Dominic’s Striking Season

The boys showed tremendous effort and teamwork throughout the entire season

Tori Larner

The boys showed tremendous effort and teamwork throughout the entire season

The Varsity boys soccer team had an outstanding season and showed tremendous effort throughout the fall. With a record of 16 wins, 6 losses and 2 ties, there is not much room for anything but pride for our Crusaders.

This season, Koeller and his players claimed they were an attack-oriented team, looking to break lines through the opposition and expose open spaces and gaps on the field. To correctly execute this playing style, the timing, angle, distance and placement of passes became exceedingly crucial.

“My favorite part of the season is every practice session. I love the privilege of seeing my players and getting to know them outside of the classroom. They inspire me way more than I could ever inspire them. That is the blessing,” Coach Koeller said.

“My favorite game of the season was hands down the game against De Smet because of how exciting it was through the entire 80 minutes. Even though we blew a three-goal lead, we pulled through in the end and got the win,” junior Chase Freesemeier said when reflecting on the season’s highlights.

According to Coach Koeller, the entire St. Dominic soccer program is built on three major components of success, both in athletics and in life. He asks his players, “Do you care? Are you committed? Can I trust you?” If they answer “yes,” then Coach Koeller is assured they have what it takes to be an outstanding teammate.

Although the final game against Liberty High School did not end as the players and coaches would have hoped, Koeller and his players showed an unbreakable bond as a team.

“I hope my impact is felt 20 years from now in the lives of my players,” Coach Koeller said.

Thanks to Coach Koeller and his players’ love and dedication for the sport, St. Dominic has one of the best soccer programs in Missouri. With so much talent in our student body, there is no doubt our community’s future will be anything but bright!