There is so much anticipation and excitement towards the new building and entrance at St. Dominic, especially towards the science and PLTW programs. With the new building, there will be many new materials and resources added to help teachers and students learn at a faster and more efficient pace.
There are many different science classes students are able to take at St. Dominic. From physics and physical science, to chemistry and human anatomy. Each class also has multiple levels and work rates available to fit every student’s needs.
Mr. Schlenke, an anatomy and environmental science teacher here at St. Dominic stated, “The entire science department got to see the plans sometime last year before the new building was started. I don’t remember the exact sizes of the rooms but they are similar to the labs in rooms 411 and 413.”
Several science teachers, such as Doc Matusiak, have to share a lab and remain predominantly in a smaller classroom to teach their lessons. However, with the new addition, teachers will no longer have to switch between rooms and plan their labs according to the room they will be teaching in.
After discussing with administration and the science teachers, it has been decided that all science rooms will be course specific. Biology classes will have their own rooms that are tailored to fit their course. This way classes and programs will also be more organized throughout the school.
“Any time you get to be a part of something new it’s very exciting, whether it’s a new house, car, or in this case school rooms!” Mr. Schlenke.
With the new space and materials, teachers will now have the ability to teach more extensive and detailed experiments. There will also be more room, and things will also be less stressful and corroded between students.
The new addition to St. Dominic will bring the school much more character and uniqueness, as many schools do not have a specific wing dedicated to the sciences and arts. Teachers will now also have the opportunity to have their own classroom and make their rooms reflect their individual subject. With construction being predicted to end around January of 2022, gear up Crusaders, and get ready to take on the newest addition of the St. Dominic community!