New Entryway Makes Sally’s Day

October 4, 2021

Mrs. Garrett works at her temporary spot in the Sister Mary Bender Lobby

Emma Larkin

Mrs. Garrett works at her temporary spot in the Sister Mary Bender Lobby

After almost a year of construction, the long-awaited Center for the Sciences building will be opening up at the start of 2022. The new building will be focused on providing new classrooms for various science and Project Lead the Way classes and will showcase a new entrance to the school, giving secretary Mrs. Sally Garrett a brand new office to greet everyone who enters St. Dominic.

Construction for the new building started in early fall of last year, after the school had just opened back up to in-person learning. Many things were changed, such as a rearrangement of parking spaces and the relocating of the school’s main entrance, as well as the main office.

Mrs. Garrett, who was previously stationed in the main office, was temporarily moved down to the Sister Mary Bender Lobby as an alternate spot for her during the construction.

“The construction has impacted me in positive ways. I get to enjoy the beautiful Bender Lobby and see all the students come in and out all day long. I do miss the interaction of being in the main office, but we know this addition could not happen if we did not move our main entrance,” Mrs. Garrett said

Not only will the new wing be a valuable addition to the science department, the main office will be relocated and St. Dominic will have a new main entrance. Even with all these changes, Mrs. Garrett is ready to adapt and welcome them with an open mind.

“Well, I always say, just hold on, everything changes… and here we are rolling with the punches and changing so that we can offer our students what they need to succeed. My job will remain the same, a few small things that will be easier when I am in the new addition, but overall not too much” Mrs. Garrett said.

The new entrance will be a saving grace for both students and parents. There will be a new circle for parents to drop off and pick up their students with ease and provide more parking spaces for all of our student and faculty drivers.

“I don’t think it will impact the student’s school schedule, but it will make coming and going much easier. It will also be easier for the parents to access picking up and dropping off the students,” Mrs. Garrett said.

With the addition of the Center of the Sciences, there are many things that Mrs. Garrett is especially excited about that aren’t even related to her job.

“I am very much looking forward to the opening of the new building for several reasons. First, because it is beautiful, and will set the standard for St. Dominic High School. Secondly, because I miss all of the staff and faculty. Last, but certainly not least, is that it makes me feel proud to be a part of such a wonderful family,” Mrs. Garrett said.  

It’s very clear how impactful the Center of the Sciences building will be for Mrs. Garrett, who can’t wait to do what she does best in a beautiful new setting.

Writing A New Start For Journalism

Lexi Bross

The new Journalism and Broadcasting studio is starting to take it’s shape and students can’t wait to be in here next semester

Writing A New Start For Journalism

The Center for the Sciences isn’t only for the science classes at St. Dominic — the journalism class getting a room there as well! This new space will not only accommodate journalism students, but also provide a huge advantage for the brand new broadcasting class.

The Broadcasting class is new this year, providing students with the opportunity to learn how to set up all of the livestreams, commentate for major sports events and produce the weekly Crusader Nation News.

So many of our kids are interested in some element of broadcasting. From commentating to running sound boards to carrying around a mobile camera, these students are primed and ready to go. Broadcasting class was really a no-brainer to add to our Journalism program,” the Journalism and Broadcasting teacher Mr. Duncan said.

With so much going on and an entire class being added, space has been an issue. When you look into the journalism and broadcasting class, it is packed to the brim with engaged students.

We have really outgrown our space. Each year we keep evolving and adding more opportunities and we need the space to accommodate those growing needs,” Mr. Duncan said.

Mr. Duncan has witnessed the journalism program since it began in 2008, and is amazed at how it has taken off and grown so much in his 19 years at St. Dominic.

“When I started the journalism program back up at Dominic, we were printing the paper ourselves and it was basically a newsletter. It has grown from there to a full-blown online paper, There was no broadcast or podcast or anything like that. It has grown to provide so many opportunities for our students now,” Mr. Duncan said.

The studio is going to have new cameras, a teleprompter, an anchor desk, new computers to run a switcher and many other small things that will enhance the class and program as a whole. Senior Elise Newman has been greatly impacted by the journalism program since she started in Journalism 1 her sophomore year.

“Journalism has helped make me into the person I am today. Mr. Duncan has not only taught me about journalism, but how to be a more confident person and use my talents to my advantage. Mr. Duncan saw potential in me and pushed me to continue to take journalism after J1, and even then still pushes me every class. I’ve learned to be a more disciplined student and Mr. Duncan continues to push me to give my all. Without this class, I never would have explored journalism and never would have been exposed to some amazing opportunities,” said Newman.

Newman plans on attending Mizzou next fall and making a career out of journalism, thanks to this program. Newman is excited to see what opportunities the new studio will bring and help prepare her for college.

“I’m hoping to accomplish some incredible projects and learn about all of the new technology. I can’t wait to use it to explore more of the world of broadcast journalism and to see what we can do,” said Newman.

Senior Max Williams has also been impacted by the program and is planning on attending either Arizona State University, Syracuse University or Mizzou to pursue a degree in Broadcasting/Digital Journalism with a concentration on sports.

“Working to really build up the livestreaming program in particular has opened up a whole world of opportunities for me. Without the incredible journalism and broadcasting classes available here at St. Dominic, I never would have found what I really love to do,” Williams said.

Williams has hit the ground running in his senior year and has an internship at Missouri Baptist College with their sports broadcasting program and is excited to see what the new studio will bring for current students and in the future.

“I know that I will only really be able to check out the new studio for a couple of months, but I hope to maximize my time there and to add to my portfolio before going off to college. I think all of the new technology is going to be a huge benefit not only to me but for all students and prospective students who are younger than me, and I cannot wait to see the work that comes out of this studio over the next few years,” said Williams.

The building is set to be opened next semester and everyone is eagerly waiting! There are still a lot of details to work out, and we won’t know exactly how the journalism and broadcasting classroom will be set up, but everyone is patiently awaiting the day where we get to move into our new home!

Changes in Campus Ministry

The upcoming expansions to Campus Ministry has everyone excited

Jim Faasen

The upcoming expansions to Campus Ministry has everyone excited

St. Dominic has always kept prayer and faith at the center of everything we do. As we continue to advance into the construction of the Center for the Sciences, we bring along the people that bring faith to our community—Campus Ministry.

Campus Ministry currently operates out of Mr. Andrew Struttmann’s (head of Campus Ministry) room in the learning commons. In it, Mr. Struttmann, Father Patrick Russell and student peer ministers gather to hold meetings and plan activities.

The new room in the Center for the Sciences will be more closely located near the entrance to the building, providing easy access for students. The new space will also be much closer to the chapel, and one of the first things people encounter when they enter.

“Prayer is the first pillar at St. Dominic, and it is fitting that the campus ministry office is the first thing you see when you walk in,” Fr. Russell said.

Mr. Struttmann is extremely grateful for the new room and the advancements to the Campus Ministry program that it will bring.

“I’m very excited to be in the new building. I think it will provide us an opportunity to minister to more kids and to make our Catholic Identity even more prominent than it already is. We are definitely blessed to have the facilities we have, and these facilities allow us to provide even better ministry to our students,” Mr. Struttmann said.

Along with the new room, Campus Ministry is planning on some new and exciting improvements this school year. There will be daily mass, new service trip opportunities and a complete renovation of the retreat program.

It’ s an incredible opportunity for our Campus Ministry program to be able to advance and expand its mission to help the all of the St. Dominic community grow closer to God and each other.

Sciences Getting a Fresh Start

Lexi Bross

The current construction of the new science rooms are coming along very well

Sciences Getting a Fresh Start

There is so much anticipation and excitement towards the new building and entrance at St. Dominic, especially towards the science and PLTW programs. With the new building, there will be many new materials and resources added to help teachers and students learn at a faster and more efficient pace.

There are many different science classes students are able to take at St. Dominic. From physics and physical science, to chemistry and human anatomy. Each class also has multiple levels and work rates available to fit every student’s needs.

Mr. Schlenke, an anatomy and environmental science teacher here at St. Dominic stated, “The entire science department got to see the plans sometime last year before the new building was started. I don’t remember the exact sizes of the rooms but they are similar to the labs in rooms 411 and 413.”

Several science teachers, such as Doc Matusiak, have to share a lab and remain predominantly in a smaller classroom to teach their lessons. However, with the new addition, teachers will no longer have to switch between rooms and plan their labs according to the room they will be teaching in.

After discussing with administration and the science teachers, it has been decided that all science rooms will be course specific. Biology classes will have their own rooms that are tailored to fit their course. This way classes and programs will also be more organized throughout the school.

“Any time you get to be a part of something new it’s very exciting, whether it’s a new house, car, or in this case school rooms!” Mr. Schlenke.

With the new space and materials, teachers will now have the ability to teach more extensive and detailed experiments. There will also be more room, and things will also be less stressful and corroded between students.

The new addition to St. Dominic will bring the school much more character and uniqueness, as many schools do not have a specific wing dedicated to the sciences and arts. Teachers will now also have the opportunity to have their own classroom and make their rooms reflect their individual subject. With construction being predicted to end around January of 2022, gear up Crusaders, and get ready to take on the newest addition of the St. Dominic community!

PLTW New Beginnings

Dr. Ruscillo

Biomedical students are excited to work in hands-on labs

PLTW New Beginnings

St. Dominic offers a wide array of classes for students to take. Among these are a group of courses known as Project Lead The Way, or PLTW, classes. Thanks to the addition of the science wing at St. Dominic, PLTW classes will soon have a new space to expand and cultivate students’ love and understanding of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Mr. Bob Hennekes is one of the teachers here at St. Dominic who is involved with PLTW. He teaches both Intro to Engineering and Principles of Engineering to students of all ages. He loves sharing his knowledge and allowing students to be inventive and creative in his classroom.

“I would like [my students] to understand that God made engineering; God made everything and he gave some of us the ability to think up new ways to do things and new ways to make life better for others. I hope my students find Christ in my class and find out if engineering is for them,” Mr. Hennekes said.

Mr. Hennekes is not the only teacher who is passionate about science. Computer Science and Cybersecurity teacher, Mrs. Kristy Hagan, is another member of the St. Dominic community with a devotion to PLTW. She is especially excited for the new building to be put to use.

“The furniture will be more conducive to Computer Science and collaborating. In real life, no matter what career you enter, you will collaborate with others. It is a big component of PLTW Computer Science classes, and it will be so much easier to do with the new classroom space,” Mrs. Hagan said.  

Dr. Deborah Ruscillo is another member of the PLTW team at St. Dominic. She is in charge of the Biomedical Science Pathway, teaching Principles of Biomedical Science and Human Body Systems. There are several reasons Dr. Ruscillo is looking forward to the opening of the new wing. In addition to more supplies, the Biomedical department will be offering two new classes: Medical Interventions and Biomedical Innovations.

“I am very excited to move into the new PLTW Biomedical Sciences room in the Center for the Sciences! The room will be outfitted with new counters and workspaces where students can spread out and really get into the activities. The collaborative spaces will expand our classroom beyond its walls and give us all more mindspace to think- the center will bring teaching to a whole new level. I can’t wait!” Dr. Ruscillo said.

Teachers are not the only ones anticipating the completion of the new building. PLTW students are grateful for the opportunity to have a space dedicated to classes they enjoy.

“I am really looking forward to the new space with all of the new technologies that will be coming with it along with the new work space,” senior Engineering student Savannah Lamb said.

It is no secret that the new building will have a positive impact on much of the student body as well as quite a few teachers. Everyone is looking forward to a location where they are able to experiment, work together and most importantly, learn!

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Photo of Emma Larkin
Emma Larkin, Video Editor

Emma is a Senior here at St. Dominic. She is the president of the photography club and the photography manager for the football team. When not taking pictures,...

Photo of Lexi Bross
Lexi Bross, Media Editor

Lexi Bross is a senior here at St. Dominic and works as our media editor. Lexi eat, sleeps, and breathes Texas Roadhouse, if you ask her for rolls she...

Photo of Kalea Reeves
Kalea Reeves, PR Editor

Kalea Reeves is a senior at St. Dominic. When she’s not working at McAlister’s, she’s rewatching the Good Place for the seventh time. And no, she...

Photo of Josephine Berra
Josephine Berra, Editor in Chief

Josephine Berra is a Senior at St. Dominic. She plays varsity soccer and varsity tennis, and is also apart of CRU and FCA. As far as extracurriculars go,...

Photo of Paige Hunt
Paige Hunt, Copy Editor

Paige Hunt is a senior here at St. Dominic. She is on the varsity swim team and is a member of NHS and Ambassadors Club. When she’s not at school, Paige...

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