Two Duncans at Dominic!

Noah Duncan

Mrs. Duncan joins her son in the St. Dominic community

With all the excitement and anxiousness a new school year brings, St. Dominic can’t help but welcome a new teacher in the building! Mrs. Becki Duncan has been teaching for a total of 35 years, teaching high school math exclusively. She is very excited about joining the St. Dominic community and can’t wait to teach alongside her son Mr. Noah Duncan.

Mrs. Duncan has spent most of her teaching career at Pattonville High School teaching math, however her first seven years were spent teaching in the Francis Howell district. At St. Dominic, Mrs. Duncan teaches algebra 1 and geometry, teaching mostly underclassmen.

“I always loved school and I love helping others better understand math. My favorite part so far is the freedom to pray and openly talk about my faith,” Mrs. Duncan said.  

Besides school, Mrs. Duncan loves to watch sports, and considers herself a super fan. She also loves to read and lead music for her church. The last name Duncan might ring a bell, and that’s because she is Mr. Duncan’s mom! Mr. Duncan is an English teacher and softball coach here at St. Dominic!

“I love teaching with my mom. She is such a good teacher and genuinely cares about students. She’s a great fit for the St. Dominic community,” Mr. Duncan said.

If Mrs. Duncan could teach one lesson to her students, she claimed it would be that God is faithful and He keeps His promises, also to trust Him even with the littlest things in your life.    

Although Mrs. Duncan is brand new to the St. Dominic community, she already feels very welcomed by students and fellow teachers. Be sure to say hi if you see Mrs. Duncan in the hallways!