Setting into Sectionals

St. Dominic boys volleyball Twitter
Boys Varsity Volleyball is working hard to head to state.
The boys volleyball team is now well into their post season here at St. Dominic. The team is excelling this year with a 22-3 record and are looking to dominate on their road to state.
Two years ago, the Crusader boys lost in their district championship. Since then, the team has been hungry to play. They have taken advantage of the opportunity to compete this year, becoming one of the best boys volleyball teams in school history.
“I think this team is so successful this year because we all have a common goal: to go to state. We are all so determined, and we want to go to state more than anything,” junior Garrett Havrilla said.
Monday night, the boys battled West Minster in the first round of districts. They defeated the Wildcats easily in three sets.
“The boys this year are extremely competitive and are very determined. They have a focus this season that is different from what I have seen in the past,” Coach Lynn Zelnis said.
Tuesday night, the boys played Parkway Central in the district championship. It was an incredible game and the boys had energy and aggression that the coaches had not seen before. They had lost the first two sets and came back to win the third and fourth. During the fifth set the boys kept working hard but in the end, lost to the Longhorns.
Although they lost to Parkway Central, the boys are not out of the running for state. They will head to sectionals and play Parkway West for their ticket to state! Be sure to check the bulletin for updates regarding the boy’s upcoming sectional schedule and continue to cheer them on!

McKinley Curran is a senior at St. Dominic. She is a part of the varsity girls volleyball program and is also a peer minister. Outside of school she loves...