A Prince at Rest in Paradise
Prince Philip of the royal family has passed away at the remarkable age of 99 years old.
The world has been left in shock, despair and denial after hearing the tragic news released by the royal family. The Duke of Edinburgh, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, father of Prince Charles and patriarch of the royal family, most commonly known as Prince Philip, died at the remarkable age of 99 years old on Friday April 9.
The death of Prince Philip was quickly announced by Buckingham Palace. It was stated that the prince died at the Windsor Castle in England, and it was a peaceful and transparent death. The prince had been hospitalized several times in the past years because of various ailments, with the most recent visit being in February.
Philip attempted to shepherd into the 20th century monarchy as “the first gentleman in the land.” After the upstaged pageantry scandal imploded as well as weddings followed by divorces, the prince’s mission and priority was to preserve the crown himself. Philip was quick to marry the young crown Princess Elizabeth on November 20, 1947 while she was 21 and he was 26. The wedding promised that the monarchy would survive and constantly provide reassurance by living the route of the royal life.
Elizabeth and Philip’s relationship was an admirable heartfelt match. Elizabeth explained to her father, King George IV, that Prince Philip was the only man she could ever love on this earth. He offered a supportive place on the world stage as the husband of a queen who was openly powerful, and also attended loads of ceremonies. Philip was, overall, a side-by-side companion for the queen in life and in world politics.
In May of 2017, at the age of 95, Prince Philip announced his retirement from the public eye and attended his last solo appearance only three months later. However, he did not discontinue popping into public life during various occasions. The prince joined the royal family at the wedding of Harry and Meghan in a limousine, waving to the crowds lined up on the streets alongside the queen.
While being the first member of the royal family to go into the Soviet Union, Prince Philip was extremely independent and was incredible at taking care of himself and the family. Whenever the telephone went off, he was quick to answer it by himself. One day he even announced to the queen that he bought her a gift—a washing machine. He always mixed his own drinks, opened doors for himself and carried his own suitcase. He always reached palace standards and set the perfect example of the ability to obtain and respect royal life.
Prince Philip’s reign and inheritance of the royal family will forever be remembered and respected by the entire world. By being the perfect fit and example of royal life, Prince Philip’s 99 years were filled with hard-work, care and his iconic achievements. Hw will forever be remembered and have the title of “the first gentleman.”

Ava Kannady is a senior at Saint Dominic High School. I am part of the Varsity Cheer and Swim team. I enjoy many things like coffee, music, and hanging...