Leading the Way: Junior Class Jumps at the Chance to Lead

From left to right: Will Nicholson (student body president), Claire Sullivan (peer minister), Emily Marut (family captain)
As senior year approaches, the class of 2022 is presented with numerous positions and opportunities to be a leader.
After three years of working their way up the totem pole, the class of 2022 is eager to lead the underclassman. At St. Dominic, there are many places where leadership can be seen. Each position is very diverse and unique in it’s own way, but whether you are a family captain, head of house, student council officer, or peer minister, the ways to impact students are numerous.
St. Dominic is coming up on its third year of the house system. With that comes new chances for juniors to rise up and become family captains and heads of houses. Family Captains are leaders within the family who plan activities for each day. They also keep each family member in the loop about house competitions and school events. While there is only one family captain assigned to each family, there are two Heads of House representing each house. Applications are available now.
“I want to be a family time captain because I think I would be very good at it. I have the energy and excitement to lead my family and even my house to victory and I could help raise school spirit,” junior Brent Vossenkemper said.
Besides the house system, there are other ways to lead around school. Student Council is a great way for upperclassmen to generate new ideas and change around the school. While being a student council Officer is something that all grades can participate in, as a senior there is even more of a responsibility and impact. You can either be a senior class representative or the student body representative. As student body president, you are the face of the students, and you represent them in meetings with Mr. Welby and other admin.
“As a member of the student council for the past couple of years, I love being the voice of my class and having a say in the many events and activities that take place around the school. Election time is always one of my favorite parts of the year, and it’s always exciting to run,” Max Williams, current junior representative said.
Lastly, one of the most coveted roles for a senior to possess is being a peer minister. Peer ministers lead students on retreats, set up for mass and reconciliation and help with other aspects of campus ministry. They are called to lead underclassmen in their faith and set a good example for how to live like Christ. In order to apply, students must fill out an application followed by an interview with the heads of campus ministry: Mr. Struttman, Mrs. Lang and Father Patrick.
“[I want to be a peer minister because] I feel like my experiences could impact other students in a very mature way, bringing a sense of anything can happen to anyone and to keep a positive mindset as much as you can and trust in God’s plan,” junior Sofy Zwyciel said.
These positions are not only beneficial to the school, but also to oneself. They offer chances to grow as a person and push one out of their comfort zone. It’s also helpful for college resumes to have a leadership role listed, in order to prove that you are someone who can take charge, as well as listen to other’s ideas. All of these leadership roles are important in order to help St. Dominic’s community thrive. We all can’t wait to see which juniors rise up to the occasion, in order to help better serve and lead all of our Crusaders.

Elise Newman is a senior at St. Dominic High School. She is on the varsity swim team and is involved in theatre. Outside of school, Elise loves to hang...