Seniors Face Senioritis

The class of 2021 faces senioritis as they enter their last months of being a crusader.
MSenioritis is one of the biggest struggles almost every senior acquires once entering their final months of highschool. Attending high school and entering a brand new environment, meeting new people, and living out some of your best memories that you will never forget is a difficult, yet memorable journey that is quickly coming to an end for our St. Dominic class of 2021. Let’s take a look at what some of our seniors have to say about these last months of high school and dealing with senioritis.
Senior Kelly Henderson transferred to St. Dominic her sophomore year after living in Chicago, Illinois. Henderson immediately got involved with our school and never failed to make friends and have a positive attitude.
“What I’m gonna miss about St. Dominic is all of my best friends, who made transferring from another state easy and happy for me. All of us are going to different colleges so I tell myself to live out these last couple months as best as possible and never take them for granted,” Henderson said.
Senioritis hits harder when you are close with the class above you, because it gives you an idea of what your last semester of high school will feel like. Senior Sarah Herr was more than close with our Saint Dominic class of 2020 and told us what her view on senioritis feels like.
“Being best friends with crusaders who were in the class of 2020 at St. Dominic hit close to my heart because seeing them emotional about leaving high school prepared me for that feeling I was going to get the next year, and it’s here and I understand how hard it is,” Herr said.
Senior Kevin Stockglausner has never failed the St. Dominic community with his remarkable humor, attitude, and overall kind soul to everyone.
“Everyone tells you when you’re about to enter high school that it is the fastest four years of your entire life and I never believed it. But it feels like just yesterday I was walking through the front lobby of St. Dominic for the very first time for orientation wearing our navy “Class of 2021” t-shirts. It doesn’t feel real,” Stockglausner said.
Senior Carson Sinnard takes another approach to senioritis by explaining how to stay positive and motivated once senioritis hits.
“When senioritis hits someone, it’s easy to become really unmotivated and lazy since most seniors have already been accepted into college and tell themselves they don’t have to worry about their grades anymore. But, what is the point in giving up? Try your hardest even though it’s almost over because you can hopefully get scholarship money and a higher GPA. Just because it’s “over” doesn’t mean you should give up. Always push through the last months strong,” Sinnard said.
Even though senioritis tends to make seniors emotional and unmotivated to finish out their last semester, they have no idea the future they have ahead of them and the new journey they will be entering. The memories made in high school will never be forgotten and our class of 2021 will be missed as great role models for our underclassmen crusaders. So yes, it is true, high school is the fastest four years of your entire life, but it can also create some of the best memories of your teenage years.

Ava Kannady is a senior at Saint Dominic High School. I am part of the Varsity Cheer and Swim team. I enjoy many things like coffee, music, and hanging...