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SDHS recently welcomed Jim Faasen as the new Communications Director.
In a move that no one really saw coming, St. Dominic has recently hired Jim Faasen as the new Communications Director. Faasen worked as a sports journalist for for decades but has recently made the move to St. Dominic.
Faasen started out in journalism at Hazelwood West, as a student working for the newspaper. While in college he went on to be the sports editor of the Webster University Journal. He has been involved in high school sports journalism for the Suburban Journals and then since 2005.
“The student-athletes, the coaches, the administration all, to a person, exemplify the type of people I derived great joy in covering, so it only made sense that I would want to work here if given the chance,” Faasen said. “I’d been looking at the possibility of making a career change for well over a year and I just so happened to see the online posting for the position. I’ve known Mr. Welby professionally for nearly two decades, so I called him and asked him about the parameters of the position. That’s when I found out that it sounded like a great fit for me.”
Leaving a career in sports journalism was a difficult decision for Faasen, but after witnessing the traditions St. Dominic has to offer from afar, he wanted to be a part of it.
“It was tough. I’ve spent many years cultivating great relationships with many, many people who genuinely love what they do and that helped maintain my love for what I did. I will miss those people. Again, the great thing about my new position is that I get to start anew with personal and professional relationships with the great people at St. Dominic,” Faasen said.
Faasen will fit perfectly into the St. Dominic family as a practicing Catholic. Faasen even considered faith when deciding to change careers. At this time in his life, Fassen is looking forward to working at a place where he can openly share his faith.
“My faith has really brought me to where I am now. The idea that I can share both my knowledge of communications and my Catholic faith means so much,” Faasen said.
Outside of work, Faasen loves spending time with his family and watching and rooting for his teams in all types of sports. He is especially excited to add St. Dominic teams to said list. He also enjoys reading and an “eclectic array of television, movies and music.”
The St. Dominic community is excited to welcome Mr. Jim Fassen and is eager to get to know him better! We can’t wait to see how his further knowledge and experience will impact our school!

McKinley Curran is a senior at St. Dominic. She is a part of the varsity girls volleyball program and is also a peer minister. Outside of school she loves...