Living The Dominican Way
The 64 winners of the Dominican Way award on stage
On the night of February 11, 64 Saint Dominic students were recognized and awarded the Dominican Way award. Now, most of you are probably asking yourselves right now….what exactly is the Dominican Way award?
The Dominican Way is a prestigious award given to handpicked students who model the four pillars of our school: study, prayer, community and service. Each teacher selected one student who they felt best represented these values and wrote a short paragraph explaining the reasoning behind their selection.
The idea came from school principal Mrs. Stewart, as she was hoping this award would help to inspire students to be the best representatives of the pillars they can be.
“I came to Mr. Welby with this idea and I’m so thankful he agreed to do it. I think this award will really give stellar students the recognition they deserve and give our school community a closer bond,” Mrs. Stewart said.
Winners of the award received a medal with the school crest and a certificate of achievement from the teacher that chose them. On the certificate are the words written by the teacher who selected the student—these remarks were also read aloud on stage.
“Hearing Mr. Moore’s kind words about me made me really want to be an even better person. I’ve worked really hard to get to where I am both academically and athletically, and it feels amazing that he’s recognized my efforts,” senior Emily Marut said.
This honor is sure to leave a lasting impact on the hearts of the winners. This honor has also created an even stronger sense of community and family within the school. We look forward to seeing many more crusaders live out their faith and join the Dominican Way recipients in the future!

Adri is a senior at St. Dominic high school. She is involved in pro life club, lacrosse, A.D. club, peer ministry, and NHS. Her hobbies outside of school...