Valentines Gifts Made With Love

A perfect example of DIY Valentines Day cookies to make for your partner!
Valentine’s Day is a holiday to show your spouse or loved one how much they really mean to you. Making DIY gifts is a perfect way to add a sentimental touch to traditional gifts this Valentine’s Day. Here are just a few ideas to get you going on your perfect DIY Valentine’s Day gift!
Love Basket
One can never go wrong with a love basket! This is such a simple gift to put together. All you have to do is get a basket and fill it with a variety of mini things that your partner loves. You can even put a little card with a meaningful note inside to add a personal flare. This is a perfect way to put all the things your partner loves in one gift!
Love Letter
One of the best gifts you could give your partner is a love letter. This classic piece of paper is the perfect way to show your partner how much you love them just by putting it into words. You could also put it in a cute little envelope and decorate it any way you want.
Rose Wreath
This gift is a beautiful piece of art. You simply buy a bunch of roses, or another flower of your choice, and glue them to a circle made of newspaper. To really embrace this lovely holiday, you can get creative by making a heart shaped wreath!
**Mason Jar of Date Ideas
If you and your partner are notorious for being indecisive when it comes to date night, this is the perfect gift for you to make! All you need to do for this one is grab some paper and popsicle sticks and stick them inside a mason jar. Each piece of paper or stick can be decorated with a date idea, so when it comes time to plan a date, you can simply head over to your mason jar for a plethora of date ideas!
If you aren’t a huge arts and crafts person, take your Valentine’s gift into the kitchen! Bake your partner a batch of their favorite cookies and put them into any shape you want. If you don’t want the traditional circle cookies, I think heart shaped cookies would fit the occasion perfectly. To make these cookies even more special you can even write a little message on them with icing or sprinkles!
Valentines Coupons
Valentine’s coupons are so easy to make and are a perfect gift idea especially if you’re on a time crunch. All you need is a little piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Just write down some ideas of service you can do for your loved one and they can use them throughout the year!
DIY gifts are a perfect idea for Valentine’s Day because all the gifts come from the heart. Hope this gives a few ideas for you and your loved ones this holiday!