Sophomore: Brendan Beine

Brendan Beine

Anyone wanting to hear about a guy that is as cool as ice, this is your article to read. Brendan is an intelligent and incredibly kind sophomore here at St. Dominic High School. When interviewing this interesting lad, between confident conversation and intriguing topics, he stated that one of his favorite activities to dabble in outside of school is Frisbee golf. From talking about the wonderful graces of Frisbee golf to who he looks up to the most, Brendan told me it is his mother he sees as his idol. Brendan’s greatest desire in life is to make others smile. Just about everyone loves a nice smile. Brendan wants to be a computer programmer when he grows up. Brendan, good luck wherever you go, dude. You have a bright future.

Dream Travel Destination: Jamaica

Favorite Food: A nice steak

Favorite Celebrity: Morgan Freeman

Favorite Sports Team: St. Louis Cardinals