Batter Up!

Alex Hoff

The varsity baseball team is off to a strong start this season, with a current record of 15-6. Right now, the team is first in the AAA conference with two tough games left against Borgia.

Since the start of the season in early April, Coach Schlenke and Coach Wilmes have striven to lead the team through a promising season. The players are faced not only with strong competition that will ultimately set them apart from the other teams, but also the pressure of making it as far as possible.

“Myself and others on the team made a good run last year, but this year we think that we can go far. We have a lot of talented players who are capable of big things in big situations. This year we have a lot of talent from sophomores, juniors and seniors. Each game it seems that someone steps up. I don’t think we have a best player, but we have a lot of kids who are great players,” said Senior Colin Kenny.

Last year, the team lost in the district championships. To surpass last season, they must work even harder.

“Right now, I would say that we are faced with two challenges. The first is keeping our pitchers’ arms healthy and well-rested. We have played quite a few games in a short amount of time; it is difficult to give pitchers an adequate amount of rest so they can return well rested and have a strong outing. Our second challenge is playing with the same intensity every game. We played some very talented teams the first part of our season, and now our schedule will get a little easier. With that being said, it is important we play with the same intensity we had at the beginning of the season, so we can carry the momentum we build into the playoffs,” said Senior Andrew Orf.

It is clear by the seniors’ positivity that the team is determined and willing to go beyond their limits to achieve the overall title of champions. Despite the fact that it is too early to tell whether the team will maintain their success, Coach Schlenke is determined to keep a consistent record.

“Our short term goals are to win conference and to win districts. The other goals are to go as far as the state tournament. We’re playing pretty well right now,” said Coach Schlenke.

With several games still ahead, the team still has to focus on getting to districts, which, given their talent, shouldn’t be a problem. They won two from St, Charles West yesterday, but they still have to face a tough Borgia squad twice. Given St. Dominic’s tremendous talent and drive to success, that shouldn’t be a problem.