McKinley Curran
Junior McKinley Curran dresses up as Supergirl ready to save herself some candy
Kids have always loved dressing up for halloween, and our Crusaders are no exception. Some members of our community had some pretty amazing costumes when they were younger that are just hard to top.
Junior McKinley Curran dressed up as her favorite superhero, Supergirl. Curran looked absolutely adorable as Supergirl, and would probably rock any costume she put on.
“This was one of my favorite costumes, because I felt so strong. When you’re a little kid dressing up always makes you feel so important,” Curran said.
Senior Olivia Skiljan and sophomore Seth Skiljian pose for a family photo in their Care Bear and Buzz Lightyear costumes.
“This was one of my favorite costumes, because it was warm inside so I didn’t get upset during trick or treating. However, I wanted to be the purple one, but they didn’t have the costume—so I guess pink had to do,” Olivia said.
Dressed as Tigger from Winnie the Pooh, sophomore Mary Naumann looked cuter than ever. She really worked it as her favorite furry friend!
“Tigger was one of my favorite characters when I was younger. It was my absolute favorite costume because it was so warm and it was bright, I just remembered being complimented all night long,” Naumann said.
One year junior Chloe Hammond (left) took a different approach than usual, and dressed up as candy corn for a school-wide trunk or treat.
“I used to love the trunk or treat, because I could go with my friends and have two different costumes. I was candy corn, which isn’t a costume you usually see, but I loved it because no one had the same costume as me, so I didn’t feel bad about it,” Hammond said.
Sophomore Abbie Patterson dressed up as an adorable fairy, alongside her younger brother in his Elvis costume.
“I used to love fairies when I was younger, and when I dressed up as one I felt like I was truly magical. I did it, like, five years in a row,” Patterson said.
Junior Ella Field (right) and some of her lifelong friends used to do halloween together.
“We used to always dress up together and go trick or treating. It was tradition. Most years we ended up matching—we tended to go with different princesses. However, this specific year I was Minnie Mouse and they stuck with the princess costumes,” Field said.
All of our Crusaders have had the cutest costumes in the past, and we can’t wait to see what they are putting together this Halloween. Maybe they’ll break out some of the old costumes for a blast to the past!