Candy Craze
With Halloween around the corner, crusaders give us their top picks!
With Halloween right around the corner, the Crusaders are beginning to crave some sugar. Out of the hundreds of candies available, only ten made the cut for the best of the best.
10. Blow Pops
Coming in at number ten, we have Blow Pops. Blow Pops aren’t the most seasonal of Halloween candies, but believe it or not multiple people stated they love them during the season.
“They are just my favorite candy. I love that they have the gum on the inside, since I’m a gum fanatic” senior Olivia Skiljan said.
9. Crunch Bars
In ninth place, we have Crunch Bars. Crunch Bars bring out that amazing crunch in your mouth, but gives the feeling of love and fulfillment in your heart! Though there’s a mighty crunch to the bar, the candy didn’t place very high on the list.
“Crunch Bars are seriously underrated. They don’t have the hype they should! I love just listening to the crunch honestly. I like that they are thin, but have character to them, you feel?” senior Brendan Deters said.
8. Almond Joys
Next, the Crusaders have decided on Almond Joys. Almond Joys seem to only be a candy that your dad steals from your candy bag, but they do grow on you as you get older—once you find out that almonds are actually pretty good.
“My dad always would raid my candy bag and steal them when I was younger, but they are so good. They’ve grown on me throughout the years, and I’ve started eating them while giving out candy,” senior Kennedy Walsh said.
7. Kit-Kats
At number seven, Kit-Kats lose the number six spot to the Halloween special of orange Kit Kats. The two were neck and neck, but the orange Kit-Kats clutched the higher spot. However, traditional Kit-Kats have, and always will be, a fan favorite.
“Kit Kat’s have always been one of my favorite candies—even if it’s not around Halloween. The snap when you break it is my favorite thing, besides the taste obviously,” senior Alayna Metherd said.
6. Orange Kit-Kats
The Halloween spirit just had to win out over the normal chocolate, as orange Kit-Kats come in sixth. The white chocolate turned orange gives us the whole holiday feel, and we’re living for it.
“Orange Kit-Kats just hit different if we’re being honest. My brothers and I grew up fighting over them and trading them for other candies,” senior Becca Gentry said.
5. Tootsie Rolls
Tootsie Rolls have always been a Halloween staple, and our Crusaders surely didn’t forget about them! Coming in right in the middle spot, these delicious treats are an important addition to your trick-or-treat bag. To make things even better, they come in all different shapes, sizes and flavors.
“I LOVE Tootsie Rolls. Especially the Tootsie Roll Pops, those are my absolute favorite. My grandma always has them, and they make me super nostalgic,” senior Audrey Weber said.
4. Reese’s
Sometimes when you’re craving some sugar, plain old chocolate isn’t enough—so that’s when you pick up a Reese’s! Many students in the community preferred the peanut-buttery goodness over any other candy.
“REESE’S ARE SO GOOD. I love the different layers there are with each bit! Each flavor isn’t too overpowered, and it’s just perfect,” senior Ashley DeCosty said.
3. Twix
Coming in at the high rank of three, it seems that the Crusaders really love their Twix! The caramel mixed with the wafer and chocolate seems to do the trick for our students.
“Twix are my favorite. I don’t see much of a hype with the other candies, I’ve always been a Twix guy through and through,” senior Knoll Hirtz said.
2. Pumpkin Candy Corn
Our runner up is Pumpkin Candy Corn. Though it didn’t rank as high as the traditional Candy Corn treat, it came in a close second and is a fan favorite.
“Okay, I know regular is good also, but the Pumpkin Candy Corn just really brings in the Halloween spirit—and you can’t tell me I’m wrong. It’s 100% better than the original,” senior Adam Barger said.
1. Candy Corn
Upholding Halloween’s pride and tradition, candy corn came in first place as the Crusaders’ number one favorite Halloween candy! The little triangle made up of orange, yellow and white sugar earned the win fair and square.
“Um, everyone loves candy corn. If you don’t… well then that’s a problem. It’s absolutely iconic, and just delicious,” senior Christian Giarla said.
Us Crusaders love our candies, and we’re all super excited that it’s finally spooky season! It’s time to get our best costumes on, trick-or-treat until our bags are full and munch on our favorite sweets.

Elli Hagan is a senior here at St. Dominic. She is the Captain of field hockey team and is also on the swim team, as well jumps for track and field. She...