Football Boys on Fire
Senior Colin Quain runs out on the field fired up for his upcoming game
The varsity football season is starting out strong with a 3-0 record, beating St. Charles West 43-20, Christian 35-7 and finally a huge win against St. Charles with the score of 42-0.The boys are working hard and focusing on each new game every week, with hours of analyzing film, perfecting plays and giving it all of their energy in the weight room.
“We break down the season into four quarters every year, so we aren’t dwelling on too much success, but what is right in front of us,” Coach Blake Markway said.
Last week was the end of their first quarter, and they are ready to take on the second this weekend with even more competition. The boys are playing teams that are undefeated as well, and are all state ranked.
“We have some really good seniors that are leading the team this year. Our boys understand the opportunity that many teams don’t have this season so they are working hard and giving it their all,” Coach Markway said.
Many teams don’t have the opportunity to play this season, and the program picked up the opportunity and went running with it. They definitely took the opportunity into their own hands and have been making the best of the situation.
“I truly believe our senior lead team has no limits, and that every game is ours. There is so much depth and talent. It really is Dominic vs. all at this point,” sophomore Jackson Overton said.
So much has changed this year, and the boys don’t want to have the chance to lose their win streak or their season. The program is determined to go hard, no matter what gets in their path.
“We are all doing whatever it takes to keep the season going, so whenever we have a new protocol or rule we treat it like a law,” Overton said.
There is still a lot of work ahead of the boys this season, even with so much talent. The coaches have set an amazing path for them to follow, and there’s big preparation before every single game.
“We just have to focus on getting 1% better everyday, and keep 100% effort from everyone at all times,” senior Gabe Serri said.
The varsity football team so far has had a stellar season, and are looking to keep that ablaze with the upcoming quarters of their season. They are looking for all the support, so be sure to pop out to some games on Friday nights!

Elli Hagan is a senior here at St. Dominic. She is the Captain of field hockey team and is also on the swim team, as well jumps for track and field. She...