Navigating a new school year can be hard, but trying to figure out how to work the new My School App doesn’t have to be!
After you first log in with your username and password, the website should look like this:My day:The first tab you see on the left is My Day. When you click on it, you see these tabs:When you click on Progress, it shows your infractions, your attendance, and your courses.When you scroll down, you can see how to send your teacher a message and assignments.Schedule: When you click over to the schedule tab, it is self explanatory, and it shows you your schedule for the day.Assignment Center: Shows you your assignments, when they are due, and if they are completed.
There is nothing available for Course Request at the moment, so there is nothing needed in there.
Conduct: this shows your consequences and infractions.
There is nothing available yet with the Checklist.
When you click on Classes, it shows you your eight classes that you are in. You can then click on the class you want and it pulls up the information.
If you click over to assignments it shows you what you need to complete.
How To Import Assignments:To turn in your assignments you have to locate the share button in the top right of the screen and then import into Notability.How To Turn In Assignments: there are two ways to turn in your assignments. The first way is you can split screen your document that you would like to turn in, and the assignment.You then click on attach files. Then It opens to two options. The first is the drag option. You just drag the assignment over and click attach.The second option is to attach from wed, and you can open your Google Drive and submit it from there.Calendar:When you click on the Calendar page, it shows you your assignments, schedule, games/practices, events, etc.
Lexi Bross is a senior here at St. Dominic and works as our media editor. Lexi eat, sleeps, and breathes Texas Roadhouse, if you ask her for rolls she...