FALLing Into Protocol
The boys social distance to keep the season up and running during workouts.
Fall sports have officially started back up, but with a slight twist. Due to COVID-19, all the teams have had to get used to a new protocol to be able to play. Whether it’s inside or out, the teams are wearing masks, staying at a distance and working hard.
The volleyball girls are looking to have a state run this year, and are putting in all of their energy to achieve that. The team will do whatever it takes to have a season, even if that means they have to wear masks 24/7.
“Things are different, but nothing will get in the way of our goals for the [volleyball] season, “ junior McKinley Curran said, “It’s harder because we’re inside and closer together on the court than other teams, but we’re still getting stuff done.”
Being in close quarters, it isn’t always easy staying away from each other, but staying distanced is just as difficult for our outdoor sports.
“We’re staying distant at all times, so we’re separated into groups for most of the practice,” senior Jack Heinrich said.
The football program has a lot of players, and it’s hard to stay distanced—especially doing walk-throughs on the field—but the boys are working hard to figure it out and keep their season going.
“We’re being as safe as we can, given the circumstances. It’s frustrating, because social distancing cuts time we have to prepare, but we’d rather have that extra time to keep things safe and running so we can have a season,” senior Tate Cross said.
The football team isn’t the only team on the field, as they share it with the soccer team as well. With the new protocol, there is no personal contact, which can make bonding with your team a little bit more difficult.
“We can’t do any team bonding activities, so that means no team meals, hangouts or anything to get to know each other,” senior Will Nicholson said, “I’m someone who likes to affirm my teammates with fist bumps and high-fives throughout practices and games.”
As our fall sports teams are beginning the new protocol, everyone has their minds set on one goal—having a successful and safe season. Every team is working harder than ever to make this year just as special as the others!

Elli Hagan is a senior here at St. Dominic. She is the Captain of field hockey team and is also on the swim team, as well jumps for track and field. She...