SDHS website
Kairos 29 will be postponed until next year, but it will happen.
As we all know, the school year is over and many spring activities have been postponed or cancelled— but what does that mean for our last group of juniors going on Kairos?
Kairos is a special time. The retreat tends to be a highlight of most people’s high school careers at St. Dominic, and for the group of juniors to not be able to go and explore their faith and friendships would be devastating.
Luckily, the Kairos 29 retreat has been rescheduled for August 26-28, 2020. Kairos is typically led by our senior peer ministers, but since our current seniors will be graduated and off to college, we will have some new leaders.
“This is the second week of school in the fall, so the current juniors who will be selected as peer ministers will lead the retreat,” Campus Minister Mr. Andrew Struttmann said.
Though it will be a little different with the new peer ministers, the participants will still have the same retreat experience and previous groups as scheduled.
We don’t know how long this quarantine will go on, but after it’s over don’t worry: Kairos WILL happen!