Zoomin’ In New Looks

Students are changing up their wardrobes due to online classes.

With everyone taking online classes, waking up early and getting ready for school has become almost extinct. Thanks to Zoom, new looks and stereotypes are being created.

Long hair can easily get in the way, especially when you wake up thirty seconds before class starts. Therefore, you will probably see long hair tied up in messy buns, braids and ponytails. Buns are the perfect cover-up for any tangles or random curls, and they make bumps look purposeful because they match the trendy “messy” look. Braids and ponytails are a quick option to keep hair out of your face and make you look like you woke up at a normal time. As a plus, these hairstyles hide greasy hair from your classmates.

If you don’t feel like doing your hair in any way, pulling on a hoodie will also hide your bed head. Hoodies and crewnecks are the most common and comfy article of clothing that you will see on a Zoom call. You can cuddle in oversized sweatshirts or feel fashionable in fitting or cropped ones.

Sweatpants are best friends with hoodies and crewnecks. You will never see someone’s pants during a zoom meeting, so the sweatpants don’t even have to match the top. Tons of students have been bending fashion rules and pulling out the “groufit,” pairing grey sweats with a grey hoodie.

A baggy t-shirt or simply pajamas are also frequently worn. They are comfy and inconspicuous; everyone can only see your face and half of your shirt, so they can’t really tell if you’re wearing pajamas or not.

All of these outfits can be mixed and matched, but some combinations are more common than others.

The “I just woke up” look is very common, especially in the mornings. It consists of pajamas or a hoodie and a messy bun. Usually the student is also wearing glasses and plopped on their bed in their dimly lit room.

The “early bird” look shows everyone that you are a morning person. The early bird can be caught wearing a normal shirt with their hair brushed and straightened. They are probably sitting at a table with a full stomach from breakfast.

The “shy guy” look is for people who are introverts and don’t like showing their face to the whole class. It is a mystery what they are wearing because either their screen is facing the wall or just turned off completely. Also, they are definitely muted the entire class so no one can hear them.

The “I tried” outfit is a blend of “I just woke up” and “early bird.” This student’s hair is usually in a ponytail or pulled back in some way, and they’re wearing a crewneck or baggy shirt, but they’re sitting at a table with decent lighting to prove that they actually got up at least five minutes before class.

No matter how early you woke up or what you’re wearing, make sure to pay attention in school and finish off this year strong!