Shows to Watch: Quarantine Edition

Since you are stuck at home for the next month, why not watch television? Between live shows out right now and throwback seasons, here are some of the best shows to binge during this time.

Disney+: Suite Life of Zack and Cody

Who wouldn’t want a blast from the past during these hard times? Disney+ is the way to go if you want to pass time during this distance learning. In Suite Life, twin brothers Zack and Cody Martin just moved to Boston, where their mom, Casey, just landed a job at the Tipton Hotel. These boys must learn to grow up in this nice hotel, being careful not to cause any trouble, while also being boys and having fun. Also starring Ashley Tisdale, this show is sure to bring you lots of laughs.

Hulu: For Life

Still on the air, this show follows the journey of a man who owned a nightclub and was arrested under kingpin charges for drug use and dealing, even though he had no part in any of it. He fights to earn his right out, and even becomes a lawyer to help other inmates out of jail. This man fights with passion, and sometimes this can come back to bite him, so he must learn the difference between being passionate about his cause and knowing the facts. The show is currently streaming on Hulu and is updated the day after the live showing of the next episode on ABC.

Netflix: Tiger King

Probably the most popular television show on any streaming service right now, Tiger King is a hilarious and passionate seven episode show about Exotic Joe and his counterpart Carole Baskin. This show follows the journey of these two as they fight for animal rights. Joe lives in Oklahoma and calls himself the Tiger King, as he runs a zoo full of all sorts of exotic cats. Carole Baskin is an animal rights enthusiast and she fights, along with her husband, to shut down zoos like Exotic Joe’s, as she feels they are dangerous and harmful to the animals. She also owns a ton of exotic pets and runs a cat rescue service for these cats. This show is recommended by everyone, as it for sure will keep you entertained.

These are just a few of the many binge-worthy television shows on every streaming service. There are many shows to keep you entertained during these quarantined times, but these are just a few that you are sure to enjoy.