Self Distancing & Social Media Challenges
After weeks of quarantine and self distancing, people around the world have become so overwhelmed with boredom that they have turned to social media challenges.
Anyone on Twitter could tell you about the abundance of tweets relating to quarantine. The popular hashtag #QuarantineLife has been used by members of the platform to document new lifestyles, memes, dances, the struggles of self distancing and more.
The trendy hashtag has brought life updates and laughs, but it is not the only way people are sharing about their life in quarantine.
Instagram has been the main source of virtual challenges. It seems as if every other day, there is a new challenge flooding Instagram stories.
Each time someone posts a challenge, they tag a few friends to also continue the trend.
Some of these threads include the Game Face and Stage Face Challenges, where users post pictures of them in their element, either playing sports or onstage.
The See A Verse, Share A Verse challenge was widely used by females connected through faith. The self explanatory activity included someone posting their favorite Bible verse and sharing it with others, who then share their favorite verse.
Though teens across the world filled their time with these small challenges, the Until Tomorrow challenge was most prevalent on Instagram.
The Until Tomorrow challenge had thousands posting old or embarrassing photos of themself, but only until tomorrow, when they deleted the post.
With the end of quarantine not yet in sight, what new social media challenge will you try out and share?

Elizabeth Petruso is a senior here at St. Dominic High School. Elizabeth is the President of Student Council and a varsity cheerleader. She is extremely...