The Positive Side of Prom
Juniors and Seniors experience a plethora of emotions regarding the rescheduling of Prom.
Following the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, junior and senior prom has been rescheduled from Saturday, May 1 to Sunday, May 10. The unexpected changes to this highly anticipated night have brought frustration and confusion to the junior and senior classes. Yet, as we gripe over the non-ideal factors of the night, there is another, more positive way to look at the situation.
The upperclassmen have been looking forward to prom for months! Girls are buying their dresses. Guys are thinking of who to ask—but then it became “corona time.” It seems as if corona has ruined our plans, our prom, our life, but things aren’t as bad as they seem.
This year of “2020 vision” has allowed us to see that not everything goes the way we plan and that God has something bigger in mind. We aren’t always in control.
Yes, prom was rescheduled because of the coronavirus. Yes, prom is on a Sunday. No, as of right now, we do not have the Monday off school after prom. There are so many negatives we could dwell on.
But in the midst of all this craziness, why don’t we focus on the positives? No, prom is not cancelled! Yes, we get to spend the night with some of our closest friends. No ladies, we did not waste money on a prom dress. Yes, we get to take pictures with our class and enjoy the night. Yes, prom will still be a night to remember—and not because of the negatives.
We should consider ourselves blessed; some schools have lost the privilege of having prom at all. So don’t worry about how the new prom schedule may have messed up your calendar.
Make plans. Buy a dress. Get her a corsage. Look forward to prom. It is on its way.

Elizabeth Petruso is a senior here at St. Dominic High School. Elizabeth is the President of Student Council and a varsity cheerleader. She is extremely...