The Colors are Revealed

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The houses are revealed to students with a scavenger hunt and pep rally.

The six houses were revealed Thursday to the entire school with a whimsical scavenger hunt and pep rally.

When family time began, the teachers gave everyone the first clue. There were four clues shaped as puzzle pieces that made the shield of their house. Once the groups found the pieces hidden throughout the school, they were let into the gym.

A balloon arch welcomed the students as Mr. Tock announced which house they belonged to. The Head of House leaders welcomed their fellow members with shirts and cheered them on with balloons, signs and flags. Orange is Caritas, black is Dignitas, yellow is Gaudium, green is Gratia, purple is Temperentia and red is Virtus. Each house name is Latin for one of the virtues.

After each family time completed their scavenger hunt, a chant off for house points began. Each house came together and came up with a chant to try and make the most noise. Dignitas came in third place, Virtus got second and Gaudium won first place.

“I think this is the best pep rally we’ve had. The excitement was through the roof and the competition for the House Cup is definitely there,” Mr. Struttmann said.

The colors will work together through the rest of the school year to win more house points and eventually come on top for the House Cup.

The excitement continues next week with penny wars and is the next chance for houses to win house points.

“Gaudium may have started off strong, but they are going down next week in penny wars because I bought sweatpants!” junior Gratia house member Elli Hagan said.