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Our St. Dominic seniors celebrating their commitments on National Signing Day
National Signing Day has passed, and 15 of our seniors have officially signed to play a sport at their college of choice. St. Dominic holds a National Signing Day every year, and this year the ceremony occurred on February 5. It was a special day for all seniors who had verbally committed to a college, as they publicly announced their agreement.
“All of us have been working on and off the field for this since we were little, and it’s so exciting to see all of our hard work culminate. I cannot wait to see where the next chapter of our lives will take us,” senior Alyssa Buchheit said.
Deciding on that next chapter of life can be confusing, and there are many factors that play into which college you choose. For athletes, it is important to like the campus, your coaches and your future teammates. You should also make sure the college you want to go to has the major you are planning on pursuing. Most importantly, make sure you don’t just like your college…you should LOVE it!
“The summer between my junior and senior year, I figured out that I wanted to be a personal trainer, and Lindenwood University has a fantastic exercise science program. As soon as I talked to [soccer] Coach Koeller about this, he knew it would be a perfect fit for me. It all fell into place better than I could have ever imagined, and I can’t wait to be an LU Lion!” senior Alli Palmatier said.
Sometimes it can be scary to think of college; however, deciding on a college can lift some pressure off of your shoulders and help you focus on the moment instead of worrying about where you want to go. So, once you find one you really love, take the chance and go for what you want.
“I chose Missouri Baptist University because I really loved the community. When I first went there and toured everyone was so nice to me, and everyone really looked like they were enjoying their time there… The team and the coaches were really nice to me too, and that really helped my decision to go there,” senior Malik Maroney said.
Here’s a list of our committed seniors, what college they’re going to and which sport they’re going to play.
Jessica Bodmer— soccer at Rockhurst
Alyssa Buchheit— soccer at Missouri State
Jackson Dearing— baseball at Jefferson College
Kyle Fowler— baseball at Missouri S&T
Skylar Hollingshead— soccer at Lewis and Clark
Malik Maroney— soccer at Missouri Baptist
Christian McConnell— baseball at Fontbonne
Tyler Mersnick— football at Truman State
Grace Osvath— soccer at Lewis and Clark
Alli Palmatier— soccer at Lindenwood
Cameron Peters— bowling at Missouri Baptist
Aliyah Rottger— soccer at Quincy University
Natalie Schellert— softball at McKendree
Anna Stiffler— soccer at McKendree
Jameson Witte— football at Iowa
Congratulations seniors and good luck in college!