Last week, Catholic Schools Week rolled around, giving students the extra push to get through the last days of January.

“The wait was totally worth it…they were the best nachos I’ve ever had,” Jones said.
Nachos were just one of many options students could choose from. Others chose cupcakes, el tío Pepe and pizza. All were a hit.
On Tuesday, the St. Dominic community celebrated Mass with Father Michael Lydon from Sacred Heart in Troy. We welcomed him to give this special Mass where the families of St. Dominic sent one student up during the entrance procession to represent them. Fr. Lydon gave a quick history lesson in a fun game of trivia and made sure to say hi to those he knew. All in all, Father gave an incredible message that showed the importance of service and family.

The following day, each family dressed up in a theme of their choosing, and the faculty chose a winner. Mrs. Zelnis’s family won third with their “Why so Grey?” groutfit while Mr. Hennekes’s family took second with their recreation of the “Last Slumber.” Mr. Wilson’s family brought home the win with their all-denim theme.

Throughout the week, students were asked to bring in toilet paper for Sts. Joachim and Ann’s care service. The family who brought in the most toilet paper would earn a pizza party. Congrats to Mrs. Johnson’s family who pushed passed the others to earn the party!
The week filled with excitement was successful in every aspect. The entertaining themes left students anxious to see what next year’s Catholic Schools Week will bring.